Friday, 22 November 2013

Long term effect on the skeletal system.

If you train your bone and body over a long period of time, they will become stronger, bigger and more efficient, because over that long period of time your bone and body got used to that type of training you've been doing.

 Skeletal muscles adapt to using more oxygen, the muscles and their capillaries become more efficient and can therefore work for a longer period of time.

Increase of bone density (bone strength) due to the increase in calcium production.

Increased Joint range of movement, because exercises increase the production of synovial Fluid. Synovial fluid increase our joint range of movements in the short term, but over a long period of times our joints dry out and they become stiff and we lose the range of movement, so the exercise we do creates the synovial fluid that allows us to increase our joint range of movements.

Our ligaments gets stronger, because they get used to the exercise you have done over that long period of time. The more exercise you do the stronger your ligaments become. if you put more weight on them they become stronger and more resistant.

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